The Black Prince came to this area from the high Făgăraș Mountains, the legend says. Today, from the high mountains one of the most beautiful roads in the world leads to the open fields: Transfăgărășanul.

Among breath taking panoramas, this impressive road also accommodates two special monuments dedicated to gigantic efforts invested during communist times in building this road: Gate of Engineers and Encounter Gate. Millions of tons of rock were dislocated by Romanian engineers, using more than 6000 tons of dynamite in the process! The diggings started from both sides of the mountains, the two teams meeting mid-way, at 1600 m altitude, on the date of August 16th, 1971.

The road has 883 bridges, 28 viaducts and 5 tunnels. Longest tunnel crosses the Paltin Mountain for 833 m! This fact stands for two records: longest and highest tunnel in the country.

Transfăgărășan Road stands for pride in Romania and represent an autonomous tourist attraction. It is a time worthy experience! Please consider traffic restrictions – 40km/h maximum drive speed, with mandatory fit to weather conditions like fog, rain or winds.

You can either start or stop the fascinating road-trip from/at Hotel Subcarpați, in Curtea de Argeș!